Sunday, June 9

DIY FOOD - Berries Smoothies with Yogurt

Helloow Ladies! <3
Let's talk about the latest health trend: SMOOTHIES!

A smoothie is a blended and made from fresh or frozen fruits.
The base material in smoothies is usually milk, yogurt, frozen yogurt, frozen fruit, shaved ice, or ice cream.

Today, I'm going to show you how to make a Berry Smoothie.

What do you need:
Fresh or frozen berries
1 ripe banana, cut into pieces
2 cup of yogurt
1/2 cup of milk

Step 1: Throw the Mixed Berries into the blender.

Step 2: Cut the banana into pieces.

Step 3: Add the yogurt.

Step 4: Put the milk in the blender.

Step 5: Blend for 1 minute.

Step 6: Voila, your Berry Smoothie is FINISHED.
Enjoy your Smoothie! 
Kiss, Aisha.

Sunday, May 26

SUNDAY - Relax with a hot bath

Hello My Beauties!♥

You have probably heard people say or you have said it yourself, "Wow, I'm really stressed out" or "This is making me totally stressed."
Stress is what you feel when you react to pressure from others or from yourself. Pressure can come from anywhere, including school, work, activities, friends, and family members.
The treatment therefore is to relax. I have the recipes ideas to relax in a healthy bath.
Before I give you my recipes for bath, I will give you first random tips for bathing. 
  • Tie up your hair
  • Make sure your bathroom is clean and warm, so that you feel comfortable when you bathing
  • Make sure that the bath is not too hot, yet not too cold
  • Use an inflatable bath pillow to rest your neck while you are bathing.
  • Find some of your favorite music to play
  • Collect some candles in the bathroom for a soft relaxing light and a nice comfortable glow
  • Carefully climb into the bath, and relax in the warm water
  • When you get out of the bath, finish it by applying body lotion or moisturizer
  • Afterward keep relaxing and pour yourself a warm cup of tea or a hot drink

Hope you guys will like it! Enjoy your bath on your lazy Sunday!

Kiss, Aisha♥

Recipe 1 - Milk and Honey

How - Pour 1-2 cups of milk and half a cup honey under running, warm water. For full effect, brush your skin lightly and in circular motions with a dry brush or a washcloth before getting in the bathtub.

Results - Bathing in milk and honey is a fantastic way to get soft, supple skin all over your body.

Recipe 2 - Champagne or Red Wine

How - Simply pour a glass (or more) of red wine or champagne into your running bath. Soak for 20 minutes. Feel extravagant.

Results - The polyphenols in red wine are incredible antioxidants and the tartaric acid in champagne lightens skin and helps reduce discoloration and fine lines. Both red wine and champagne are also great for cleansing pores and then reducing their appearance.

Recipe 3 - Epsom Salts

How - Scientists have proven that your body actually soaks UP the magnesium in epsom salts when you bathe in it. So taking a bath in them is akin to getting a good dose of magnesium. What does magnesium do? It relaxes you. It soothes aching muscles. It regulates blood pressure. It regenerates and heals skin cells.

Results - Add 1,5 to 2 cups epsom salt to your running bathwater.

Recipe 4 - Herbal Bath

How - Brew 1-2 cups of very strong herbal tea. Strain and add it to your running bathwater. Then, take the remaining brewed herbs and place them in the middle of a washcloth. Gather the washcloth together at the top and tie tightly with a string or a hair tie. Leave it in the bath as you soak, and then scrub well with it before getting out of the tub.

Results - They are decidedly for healing and relaxing.

Recipe 5 - the Oatmeal Bath

How -  Fill a knee-high nylon or thin sock without holes with 1/2 to 1 cup of oatmeal (not quick cooking or instant). Tie tightly at the top. Place it in your warm bath, with you, and squeeze it softly every so often to release the oatmeal “water.” Before leaving the bathtub, scrub your entire body lightly with the sock. To clean: Over a trash can, turn the sock inside out and scrape all of the oatmeal off the outside, then rinse well with warm water. Wash as normal.

Results - Oatmeal is also great for dry skin, acneic skin, oily skin, and aging skin. Your skin will be soft. It caresses your body and makes it feel brand new.

Tuesday, May 21

How to get fair skin by HOME REMEDIES

It is true that fairness plays a very important role in a person’s successful life as many people considers that person with a fair good looking skin will have a very good attractive personality. Well everybody wish to have a fairer skin and look beautiful, but often they end up choosing wrong products. There are so many beauty care products out there in the market. Right from beauty soap to beauty creams, all of them promise to make you look younger and fairer. Have you tried those beauty creams without much success? A little extra time and care would really work wonders for you. Try using these simple home remedies to look fairer and beautiful naturally. I believe that it will work.

Good Luck Ladies!
Kiss, Aisha♥ 

 Fair Skin Tips 

  • Scrub a half of lemon on your face daily to lighten your skin tone. Lemon is an excellent bleaching agent, and it is very helpful in ironing out the blemishes of the face. Home remedy of lemon juice and honey in equal quantity and apply on the skin to get fair skin.

  • Squeeze a juice of potato in a bowl, and apply this on your skin to bleach your face.  

  • Take half teaspoon of honey with a pinch of cinnamon; apply on your face. 

  • Apply cucumber juice with lemon juice to lighten your skin. 

  • Apply coconut water to get fair . This home remedy is helpful in lightening the scar of chicken pox also.

  • Using raw milk on your skin lightens your skin tone. You can use this remedy on your babies also to get fair skin.

  • Apply the juice of ripe pineapple on your face.

  • Spray rose water on the skin to get fair skin.

  • Curd with tomato will give you excellent result, if you use it before bedtime daily.
  • Mix watermelon with papaya to get makes a fairness face pack to get fair skin at home for oily skin.

  • Mix 2 spoon of mint juice with half spoon of lemon juice and apply it on your face.

  • Boil cumin seeds in water, and rinse your face with this water to reveal fair and radiant skin.

  • Massage your skin with almond oil or olive oil to get fair and soft skin, you can add a pinch of saffron to get better results.

Friday, May 17

Glowing skin with ORANGE!

How to get glowing skin with orange

Orange fruit is always fresh. Look on the color which look fresh. 
The fruit which got this fresh color is also known to have lot's of benefits.
The Vitamin C inside it is good for your health and can prevent hot in your body. 
Beside that, Orange is good too to be used on your skin.
"Vitamin C in the orange will be merged into the skin and this can help tighten your skin, and take up your lax skin face."
Try using these simple tips. I believe that it will work.

Good Luck Ladies!

Kiss, Aisha♥ 

What do you need to do:

* Cut orange into 2 pieces.
* Massage it on ur skin.
* Leave it for 10 minutes.
* Your skin will become Shiny and Glowing within 1 month.
* Use it everyday.

Tuesday, May 7



I found on the internet an easy way to do the Lauren Conrad - Twisted Bun. It is more easier because there is a photo with the steps. Try it out on yourself or on your friends hair. I hope it succeeds when you do it or keep practicing. Combine it with a braid or hair accessories. Good Luck!

Kiss, Aisha ♥

How to do the 'Twisted Bun''

Step 1: 
Start with wavy hair

Step 2: 

Clip the front & top up. Create a messy bun at the nape of your neck.

Step 3: 
Take individual pieces from the top and front sections. Loosely twist.

Step 4: 
Pin that piece into the messy bun.

Step 5:
Repeat step four and alternate side until you reach the top section.

Step 6: 
Back comb the crown area for subtle volume.

Step 7: 
Twist and pin that section into the bun. Genlty loosen a few pieces around the face to soften the look. 

Wednesday, April 24

Warm Welcome to my Blog.

Bonjour, I’m Aisha and I am really excited to start this blog. I am very new to the blogger world. Each time I read a post I said to myself “why not start my own blog?” and I keep on putting off the idea until now. 
I promise I will post things worth reading. 
This is going to be a blog about all related things.
I hope you stay in touch and enjoy!

Take care!
Kiss, Aisha