Friday, May 17

Glowing skin with ORANGE!

How to get glowing skin with orange

Orange fruit is always fresh. Look on the color which look fresh. 
The fruit which got this fresh color is also known to have lot's of benefits.
The Vitamin C inside it is good for your health and can prevent hot in your body. 
Beside that, Orange is good too to be used on your skin.
"Vitamin C in the orange will be merged into the skin and this can help tighten your skin, and take up your lax skin face."
Try using these simple tips. I believe that it will work.

Good Luck Ladies!

Kiss, Aisha♥ 

What do you need to do:

* Cut orange into 2 pieces.
* Massage it on ur skin.
* Leave it for 10 minutes.
* Your skin will become Shiny and Glowing within 1 month.
* Use it everyday.

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